Technology developments of recent years have delivered us to the point where combining mobility and access is possible, with the right approach. And the opportunity to do so is undeniable; according to the 2015 GSMA Global Mobile Economy Report, we’ll see 5.9 billion smart phones in use by 2020. In comparison, 2014 saw an estimated 2.6 billion smart phones put to use, so the estimated increase is significant.
The opportunity to combine mobility and access control presents many benefits for occupants and building managers alike. Occupants benefit from being able to move freely about a facility without having to worry about carrying another item. In tandem, those who manage facilities can leverage technology already in use; there’s no need to print or distribute badges, and the process of tracking and replacing lost cards, or retrieving cards when employees leave an organization, is essentially eliminated—saving valuable time and money.
Perhaps this all sounds good, but how do you put it into practice in your building? Click here to learn how you can put this concept into practice in your building.
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Urbandale, IA 50323